Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Superheroes and Scribbles!

Some sketches, studies and a superhero contest entry!


  1. Wha-hey. Awesome, Nick, I had no idea you had a blog. I'll be watching!

    Amazing work, as always. Beautiful stuff!

    Also, I love this blog layout - which layout is it? Did you find a template, or is this something Blogger provides?

    Looking forward to seeing more excellent art! Cheers.

  2. Hey Mel! Thanks a bunch! I got you followed now, main and Caravan!

    The layout is in the template design part of blogger. Design - Template Designer (kind of at the top, on a bar) ;)

  3. Where's the followers gadget? WHERE? I need to press a button - i neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed it! Gimme gimme gimme gimme
